Wednesday 20 January 2016

Summative Evaluation

Over the course of the module I have developed a lot of varied skills that have become very useful to me and I am really excited about using again. I have developed skills in After Effects, were I normally find software like that very hard to grasp. I now feel very confident in using the software because of the workshops and personal use and I am already deciding to use it in other modules. I think my animated sting shows that I am confident using the software as I applied many various keyframes in my sting and I was able to correct a colour problem last minute before hand in. I have also gained skills from the various workshops we have had including storyboarding, I found this really helpful when planning my animation and how sound is very important and can totally change an animation.
I have also screen printed for the first time in this module, I found the induction really helpful but it wasn’t until I was in the print room for three days until I learnt how to do it all properly, from washing the screens, exposing to printing. I now feel confident enough to go into the printing room and screen print without any help. I now would like to create more intricate drawings for screen print as I think they would like really nice screen printed, especially after seeing other screen prints in the crit.
I have also developed more skills in Photoshop and InDesign as I have used both of these softwares in my project. These skills have helped me create negatives for screen printing, page layouts and general development for my work.

In this module I have used Screen Printing, mono printing and digital print. I initially was thinking about just mono printing as it is something I have done numerous times before hand and I felt confident using it although, through investigating the other methods of printing and learning the skills I needed to use them, I played around and it concluded in me using all three methods. I am really happy that through development and playing with different methods od image making I pushed myself into trying out new things that I haven’t used before, which is what I would like to push myself to do further along in the course.

A strength within this module have been my ability to use After Effects to the point where I feel very confident in using the software and now I aim to use these skills in my other modules. I have also pushed myself to learn new things in this brief and I have now got the initial skills to develop and progress in them, this also widens my opportunities for future work. I have also tried to steer away from thinking literally, I am now going to strive to work this way from now on.

A big weakness of mine is keeping up with blogging regularly, I tend to forget the evaluative process once its so far back and now I have realized that if you blog straight away, you can evaluate and comment on the work when it is fresh in your mind. Another weakness of mine is not playing about enough, I think I could improve on how much development I do and trying new methods, as I have found out in this brief that the times when I have done more and tried new things is when I have made a pivotal decision in my work.

Next time I would definitely do more development to go with my research, as it is were all my ideas get generated. I would also like to keep on top of my blogging so it doesn’t become a hindrance later on down the line and the posts will be a lot more useful and evaluative. I would also change the way I approach a brief, I think my biggest problem was at the beginning I was thinking too literally, which was the time I should be playing with media and drawing. I also would learn more about each process and software in my personal time, as I did need a lot of assistance at first, when I could have possibly learnt a lot by myself and trying things out. I would also Screen print earlier than I had, as I didn’t plan for last minute hiccups and when in the professional practice, this is something I would plan a head for deadlines.

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