Sunday 17 January 2016


I went to the print room today and had a play about with different materials and did some resistance printing, using different objects and fabrics to create patterns and textures. I really enjoyed it and i ended up with some interesting prints. I also did some brain prints, using a comb and cardboard to take away the ink before inking, i think i got some quite interesting prints from it.

I am now thinking that i might use the mono printed brain instead of making a collage. Although i think the collage would look good, i think if i scan in the brain print and invert it so i can make it into a negative, then it would look really nice screen printed.

Its taken me a while to decide whether i wanted to screen print or to mono print, as i really like mono printing and only done screen printing in the induction. But I have chosen screen print as for my designs, which are quite graphic, i thought the clean lines and the effect that screen print gives, would look really good for my designs. And now, i can incorporate mono print as well.

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