Sunday 17 January 2016

Brain Storming

After the crit i had with the rest of the group, i didn't really know where to start with my work. I left it a few days and then started to do some drawings to do with Oliver Sacks that could give me inspiration for my final pieces.

I definitely want to create a set of prints, not a publication, but i just have to figure out the contents.

I had a word with Ben in class and told him about my struggles with my work and showed him what I have done so far. He really liked my one line drawing of the fire hydrant earlier on in the year and he said i was starting to be more conceptual with those drawings. He also liked the series of heads that i had drawn, based on the characters from the book and Oliver Sacks himself.

I liked the idea of the one line drawings being almost like Sacks' patients, how you have to fill in the missing pieces yourself and figure it out. The chat with Ben has given me a lot to think about and now can get on with some designs for my work.

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