Sunday 17 January 2016

Screen Printing

After hours in the print room, i have finally printed all of my prints for my final pieces. I am really happy with how they have came out, especially the mono printed brain. Although, it was testing at times, as at some points i had problems with bleeding, as the exposed images on the screen were too close to the brackets on the frame, so after a lot of trial and error, i worked out that if it was too close to the bracket, i just needed to turn the screen around.

Overall, i am really happy with my experience screen printing, i did find parts difficult at first as it was my first time screen printing independently as the only other time i have done it was in the induction. But i have definitely learnt how to do it now and will feel very confident next time i do it. 

Next time i would really like to screen print some more intricate drawings as i think they would look really great.

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