Wednesday 20 January 2016

New Animation

Oliver Sacks Sting 2 Colour from Alice Franklin on Vimeo.

After the crit yesterday and being really unsure about my sting with it being 4 colours, i decided to try my best to change it. I spent a while trying to work out how to change the colours on After Effects so i didn't have to remake the whole thing.

I changed the characters to all black on After Effects using the hue and saturation effect and then i changed the brain colour in Photoshop and saved it and it automatically changed in the animation.

I chose to colour the brains as it is my favourite bit of my Printed Pictures and it is quite pivotal to Oliver Sacks' work.

Overall, I'm really happy i have changed the sting as it now hits the brief and it puts my mind at ease, and it didn't take much time.

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