Sunday 14 May 2017

Summative Statement

Within this module I have tried to produce a body of work that relates to me and what I want to do with my practice and where I am going after uni. I feel that the quality of the work may not be to the standard of what is expected at this level in our course, but I have come to the realisation that although I don't want to be an illustrator that I actually don't have the natural talent to be one anyway and I think that has really knocked my confidence and motivation.

I would have liked to have produced more briefs for this module but unfortunately I was poorly organised with prioritising the modules during the first term as I only focused on COP and It has really affected my work as I have had to play catch up with both PPP and Extended Practice, even afterwards I think I should have not done the Hasbro brief for D&AD as I could not submit it for this module and it took time to make the videos.

I am really proud of my Final Major Project as I feel like i have accomplished some personal goals of mine. I feel like my practical and digital skills have gotten better and I have worked really well to the advice of my tutors. I only wish I could have done this all year round as I feel like Ive really benefited to the practice over the last few months.

I think my passion I have with this project has been a big motivator for me as I have spent many long hours in the studio even re-doing things to improve them and I have felt accomplished within myself. I am quite happy to have this as the last project for me to leave this course on as I feel like in the time I had I couldnt do anymore, but obviously with the way I have been working, especially the last few weeks, I feel with time I could have only gotten better.

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