Wednesday 10 May 2017

FMP - Viking Game

For my FMP I am doing another board game, although different from the Femonopoly game for COP. Originally I was going to produce something for secondary school, although on further discussion, it would be more likely to be used in a primary school. The reason for this being that teachers in Primary schools, have to teach all subjects although they may only specialise in one. This would mean that an additional educational tool would possibly be welcomed by the teachers.

Also, I would like to hit some of the topics mentioned by parents as things that they would like their children to learn for example, communication skills and working as a team so I might propose that the game could also be played life size in a hall and the students have to work in teams.

I have done some research into the curriculum for primary schools year 5&6, and I have decided that history would be a good subject to go with as it can be illustrated easier than subjects such as maths.

After researching the topics within this subject, I thought a game on Vikings and their invasion of England would be quite interesting to make, and would be nice illustrated.

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