Wednesday 4 November 2015

Visual Journal

I have decided to go with a sketch book for my visual journal, and have started to fill it with drawings as i carry on with my research.

Over the summer, i started to read one of Oliver Sacks' books, "The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat". I haven't finished it yet, but I'm really enjoying it, the stories are really weird but because they are real case studies, it intrigues me.

One 'character' in the book cannot pick out specific features about people and objects, he walks down the street and pats fire hydrants thinking they are children. It's a really good story as he mistakes his wife for a hat and his shoe for his foot and vide versa. He only can manage through the day with music, he is a music teacher and if the music is disturbed in any way, his functions are disabled. 

These are a few of my sketches whilst reading this part of the book, i have tried to use only one line on these fire hydrants, which i really like the effect it has made as i like some of the lines missing.

After researching on Oliver Sacks over summer, a quote i found of his made me laugh, he uses periodic symbols and numbers to describe himself. For instance, when he was 11 he was gold (gold being number 11 on the period table) etc.

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