Friday 20 November 2015

After Effects - Part 3

In part 3 of the After Effects workshop, we were shown more short cuts that we can use to help us along with our animations and also some useful tools and effects that we can use to make a simple animation look a lot more intricate than it seems.

For a photoshop image, with different layers, to import into After Effects and manipulate each layer differently and retain the size of each layer, you should import as 'Composition-retain layer sizes'

To be organised, file - dependencies - collect files - save as, this collects all files and images and puts in one folder so it is all together.

This is the 'Shy switch', if you want to work on a particular layer you can use this and it will hid the others to simplify the layers.

This is the 'Continuously rasterise tool', this works well on vector images, when scaling up, press this button and and the lines will sharpen up.

We also looked at brightness and contrast which is good to use as an effect in your work.

This is the 'Adjustment layer' tool, this can be used to adjust the hue and saturation 

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