Friday 20 November 2015

Screen Printing Worskhop

This workshop has definitely been my favourite so far, I've never screen printed before and i found out how much fun it was. I will admit that there is a lot of preparation work before actually printing but i really like the outcome.

First, we mixed our colours up, ready to print. With the binder, you add 4 spoonfuls of your choice of acrylic paint.

After preparing our screens with emulsion and leaving them to dry, we were ready to start with our negatives for the print.

We first laid the negatives on the glass, with the lightest colour print towards us (we are using two colour prints), leaving sufficient room between the images, we then lay the screen on top of the negatives, facing down. Then lay the wire over the screen (to create better suction) and clamp down the lid and press the button to start the suction. Lastly, choose the correct time for your negatives and start.

Once the images have been exposed, its now time to clean off the excess emulsion, to reveal your image.

Wash with sponge on both sides and then use the hose, hold up to the light to make sure the images are clear.

We then left these to dry and then got started with printing. After clamping the screen into the apparatus correctly, we then printed.

I loved this way of printing, i learnt a lot of new things and it has broadened my opportunities.

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