Friday 20 November 2015

Monoprint and Lino print Workshop

As part of the brief states that our final pieces have to be printed  by using either mono print, lino printing, screen print or digital print, we have a set of workshops to recap and play around with the different techniques.

I have done mono printing before so it was really nice to do it again, and use different techniques that i haven't used before.

I used different materials to make different effects on the prints, which came out quite well, although it could be refined with practice.

We then did Lino printing in the afternoon, which i had never done before. i didn't realise how time consuming it was and chose to do a portrait, which i regretted soon after as it took a lot of time and patience to do, especially wrapping my head around which bits to cut etc.

I really enjoyed the workshop and it gave me loads of options of what i could possibly do for this brief.

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