Wednesday 8 March 2017

Penguin Book Cover

I started to create the main illustration for the penguin book cover brief. I think this idea for the book was a lot stronger than the diary image i had been working with previously. I drew the outline in illustrator as i've gotten comfortable with using the programme since cop. I really like how it cleans up the lines for you and makes the image look a lot cleaner. I still haven't figured out what the best way of painting is in this programme but i am semi-confident with doing this in Photoshop, so to create the image i used both. Although the colours are quite bright, i don't like them to be too bright and over powering so i have tried to keep them muted to a degree. 

Whilst finishing the image on the cintiq, which i have increasingly come to like, i was given really positive comments from people within the class on the composition etc. So far I am also really pleased with how it has turned out and I have also included the Penguin logo on one of the books which I thin adds a nice touch to it.

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