Wednesday 8 March 2017

Colours May Very - Keep Calm

After panicking about this for quite some time, i decided just to go with something simple. I have quite a dis-like for inspirational quotes, especially the 'Keep Calm and Carry On', so i decided to flip it on it's head and make this. 

It's not necessarily something that i really like that much as it doesn't have anything to do with my practice. Although, I did discover how to colour in Illustrator so I guess through the process i learnt something.

I found it quite hard to draw the crown in illustrator and keep it symmetrical, but I think it looks pretty good.

Overall, Im happy the brief is over but i would have liked to have made something that represents me more, but the theme just didn't make it easy for me to make something that resembles what I am interested in, but this would be the issues you would get when in the professional industry.

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