Wednesday 8 March 2017

Activities for Depression - Papyrus Brief

Although the brief asks for a short piece of text explaining how the illustration makes you relax, I want to illustrate activities that are known to help depression. I am really passionate about education or informing people and I want to use this brief and adapt it to my practice. 

I decided to carry out some research on what activities have been mentioned to help people with depression, and i have found that there are quite a lot. With me wanting to adapt the brief further with making two more adjoining A3 line drawings to make into a consetina colouring book, I will want to incorporate as many of these activities as possible. I have decided, instead of a city scape, which i was thinking of before, i am going to do a scene of a park, as many people, as well as myself love to go to the park when there is nice weather and i do find it really relaxing, like the brief asks. But more so, people seem to do many activities in a park which are mentioned from my research, which will be great.

Before planning any sketches or doing any compositions, i first had to plan what activities i will have in all of the illustrations, so i know what will be included in the one for Papyrus. 

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