Thursday 16 March 2017

Re-touched Illustration for the Colouring Book Brief

After submitting the illustration and the company getting back to me saying i have been shortlisted and sending them my personal tumblr link, they then contacted me again to see if i could possibly add more trees where the text was and have the text within them to connect it to the illustration. 

I definitely looks better than before, as i only left space incase they further specified a certain size font as this was not mentioned in the brief. As i am adapting this illustration further for myself, I was already going to fill the space i had left, so this wasn't time wasted.

Since I sent this, they soon got back to me asking for the original image without the text or white space, which I sent straight away. They haven't got back to me yet, so i am unsure on what they are going to do with the image as i know that it has to have text on their some where as it was specified clearly in the brief.

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