Tuesday 11 October 2016

Extended Practice - Workshop

In this session we discussed the briefs that we will be choosing to do in this module. 

We need something to tie together all our work within the module, it doesn't have to be style but with children's books and education, it could be:

  • Character development
  • Education
  • Book covers
  • Method
We should work out the mandatories in the brief, what needs to be there.

Work out what your actually going to deliver, what will you make or propose.

At what point you are going to resolve or re-write the brief

Identify the context of your work i.e. book covers - logos, type, barcode, format etc.

We wrote a list of briefs as a table that we were proposing to do:

  • Inktober
  • Editorial-a-week
  • Penguin
  • Folio Society
  • Bradford Textiles
  • Secret 7
  • Threadless T-Shirts
  • Macmillan Brief
  • Self-directed
  • Etsy Packaging
  • Save the NHS
  • Guardian Food
Then the context of the briefs:

  • Editorial
  • Packaging
  • Publishing
  • Digital Publishing
  • Texriles
  • Children's books and education
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Fashion
  • Product
  • Self-publishing and Small Press
  • Public Space art
We then filled out a form for a 1 a week brief to go through it thoroughly outlining the audience, tone of voice, deliverables etc.

After we made two lists of benefits from a self-contained brief (competition & live briefs) and the benefits of week long briefs.

Self Contained Briefs

  • Adapt to meet your own needs and suit your practice
  • New Audiences
  • Good to develop the work
  • Deadlines
  • Shows you can handle a bigger brief
  • Time management of a larger project
  • More refined, bigger amount of work
  • Real life problems
  • Refined/focused response
  • Winning and glory
  • Research
  • Professional experience - insight
  • Purpose-function
  • Shows you're Professional
  • Shows Experience
  • Shows you can work to limitations/deadlines and evolve your work to fit a specific brief
1 A Week Briefs

  • Constantly making work 
  • Instagram following
  • Time management
  • Time
  • More efficient
  • Have to be driven
  • Bulk of work
  • More playful and fun
  • More scope for visual language and playful
  • Keeps you making things
  • Doesn't matter if one is wrong
  • Collection of focused work
  • Practice
  • Individually
  • Passion

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