Friday 7 October 2016

Extended Practice Briefing

Today we had a briefing on the extended practice module. I am really excited about this module, it is giving us an opportunity for us to do briefs that we want to do and relating to our practice. I really like that we can write our own briefs, this means we can write it so it will be beneficial to what we would like to do with our own practice. There is no specific number of briefs we need to produce, although we need to collaborate on at least one.

I am quite happy with this, i wouldn't mind collaborating with another illustrator, although i would probably do this after January. We can also do past briefs that have already been done e.g. last years, i think this would be good as a practice and getting back into working to a brief.

This year i would really like to do more paper cutting, and hopefully go into 3D paper cut. Hopefully i can explore this further within this module as i also want to produce children's books, either educational or fictional.

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