Tuesday 19 April 2016

Emma Van Leest

The thing i like the most about Emma Van Leest's work is the use of colour as well as the detailed paper cut. I think the use of two colours in her work, really makes it stand out. It almost looks like lace or wallpaper. I also like how the actual paper cut isn't in a set format and is different shapes.

Maude White

Maude White creates beautiful, intricate paper cuts which i love. I am unsure whether they are done by hand or by laser but either way the outcome is fantastic. A lot of time and effort must go in to each piece, which definitely pays off.

I would like to try some intricate paper put but maybe not as much as this as i think it would be pretty time consuming and would be really good on a big scale, if i enjoy this module, i would consider doing this for a bigger project in the future.

Dylan Graham

I really like how Dylan Graham uses lines in the background of some of his work, it adds something extra which i like, although used on maps, it still looks affective on other pieces.

I could experiment with this technique within my work as i really like it, although i am not sure whether it would fit within my chosen topic.

Elsa Mora

Elsa Mora's work is very eye catching, it seems to me to be very pretty and feminine. She uses a lot of intricate paper cut and does both 2D and 3D pieces. I definitely think that her stele is consistent throughout, which is very nice to see. I also think she bends and folds the paper to create some 3D effects.

Helen Musselwhite

Helen Musselwhite is my favourite paper cut illustrator i have seen so far. I love her use of simple shapes and colour palettes, along with different layers to create eye-catching 3D illustrations.

I am definitely going to try and achieve something like this when attempting paper cut, i think the different layer add a lot of depth to the illustration and add something you can't get from a painting or drawing. This is quite motivating to use this technique outside of this module. The only problem being the time it takes to create them.

Paper Panda

My tutor informed me of Paper Panda whilst i was discussing my topic. She's became really popular, with increasingly popular social media presence. Her paper cut illustrations are lovely, she also includes hand cut typography which is very intricate and professionally done.

I think her style of cutting away the negative space really works nicely and it something i will consider moving forward. I think her silhouette work is niece when there is different amounts of paper left, not just intricate lines like others.

Sangeeta Sandrasegar

I really like Sangeeta Sandrasegar's work as it is really detailed but different from others. She uses intricate paper cut along with separate bold bits within the work, which really pulls her work apart from others.

Beatrice Coron

When i saw Beatrice Coron's work in a book from the library, it really stood out for me because of the sheer detail in each piece. I also really liked how she uses silhouette in her pieces.

Su Blackwell

I have come across Su Blackwell's when i studied my foundation diploma. I am in awe of her talent to create these 3D models from books. After reading up on her process i found that she normally reads the book and then creates something inspired from the story. She doesn't like to reveal how she actually creates them as she said it would "ruin the magic", but I'm sure its quite a lengthy process, I'm guessing with wires for support and electrical elements for the lit pieces.

Yulia Brodskaya

I found out about Yulia Brodskaya when reading a paper craft book, she is really well known for her quilled illustrations. She makes both simple and details quilled illustrations. Quilling is a technique, were you coil stripes of different coloured paper around a quilling tool and then bend and shape the coils into different shapes. 

I would really like to try and experiment with this technique but i don't think it would be something i would use for my final piece as it would be pretty difficult and time consuming and i wouldn't be confident enough to learn something this difficult without having a lot of practice beforehand.

Allison Freund

Allison Freund creates 3D paper cut illustrations within boxes to create different layers, and then photographs them to make into children's books. Her style is very colourful and she uses a lot of simple shapes in her pieces.

I really like her technique, which is something i will consider when i approach this module as i think using the box like Allison Freud would be a good way to create something 3D, ready to photograph for other ranges of products.

Patrick Gannon

Patrick Gannon has more of a 2D paper cut style and adds more detail into the cutting of the paper, rather than multiple layers of different coloured card. He also has a Japanese style to his work, which i really quite liked, especially partnered with the amount of detail he has within the pieces. He also offers paper cutting courses (in Japan), which would be really interesting to see what his process is.

Although i like his work, i don't think i would use this style of paper cut in my work as it would be really time consuming and i like the affect that a 3D paper cut can give as it adds depth and it makes it look somewhat alive.

Jayme McGowan

I recently researched paper cut illustrators and came across Jayme McGowan, i really like the style of illustrations. I like the simple shapes and multiple layers of different coloured card to create detail, along with drawing/painting onto the paper.

This style of paper cut illustration is what i would like to achieve in this module. it is simple but really affective and pleasing on the eye.